0:0:0.0 --> 0:0:0.630 Fletcher, Sam Call or anything. 0:0:0.640 --> 0:0:8.570 Fletcher, Sam We're really here to learn and to just hear about your experience and please be a be as candidates. 0:0:8.580 --> 0:0:9.120 Fletcher, Sam You want. 0:0:9.530 --> 0:0:18.250 Fletcher, Sam This is just for internal use and it really helps us to learn like what's working and then definitely it like what kinds of areas in our in our marketing that we can improve. 0:0:19.410 --> 0:0:19.570 Alan Bone OK. 0:0:20.500 --> 0:0:22.90 Fletcher, Sam Umm Jordan. 0:0:22.100 --> 0:0:24.520 Fletcher, Sam I I believe you're taking notes. Are you? 0:0:24.840 --> 0:0:25.690 Fletcher, Sam Are you set up to do that? 0:0:27.960 --> 0:0:28.250 Fletcher, Sam Perfect. 0:0:26.620 --> 0:0:28.480 Kraski, Jordan Yes, I am nice to meet you, Alan. 0:0:29.470 --> 0:0:30.80 Alan Bone Thanks you too. 0:0:32.460 --> 0:0:37.470 Fletcher, Sam So the first question I wanted to start off is what's your role and and how long have you been in it? 0:0:39.20 --> 0:0:42.240 Alan Bone So my role right now, my official title is President. 0:0:43.650 --> 0:0:50.70 Alan Bone I've been with Western states since 1995, so coming up on 30 years in February. 0:0:51.220 --> 0:0:58.820 Alan Bone Umm, I started out with the company we were four or five employees and I was a a learning technician. 0:0:58.830 --> 0:1:0.560 Alan Bone I didn't know him about the industry. 0:1:2.540 --> 0:1:3.120 Skeba, Nika The nothing? 0:1:4.730 --> 0:1:5.780 Skeba, Nika Yeah, nothing. 0:1:1.270 --> 0:1:7.400 Alan Bone I was actually taking it a class of the Community College where the owner was also enrolled. 0:1:10.450 --> 0:1:10.770 Skeba, Nika OK. 0:1:8.450 --> 0:1:17.580 Alan Bone And umm, so I started out just cleaning, cleaning Instruments, delivering equipment back to customers and then just slowly started to learn it. 0:1:19.150 --> 0:1:19.460 Skeba, Nika And that's. 0:1:17.750 --> 0:1:22.60 Alan Bone And I've been at a bench as a Cal tech. 0:1:21.520 --> 0:1:22.80 Skeba, Nika Downtown. 0:1:33.710 --> 0:1:34.160 Skeba, Nika I don't know. 0:1:22.70 --> 0:1:37.70 Alan Bone I've been our technical manager for short stint, a little bit of a quality manager side and even today I still get the chance to get back to the bench when we're shorthanded with people on vacations. 0:1:37.170 --> 0:1:37.560 Skeba, Nika Ohh. 0:1:46.150 --> 0:1:48.360 Skeba, Nika Yeah, yeah, yeah. 0:1:48.370 --> 0:1:50.50 Skeba, Nika So I basically that what the hell did? 0:1:37.80 --> 0:1:51.640 Alan Bone Since we're right now, we're about 25 employees and about, uh, 151516 of those are technicians and the other ten are supporting staff. 0:1:52.930 --> 0:1:55.210 Alan Bone And so I still enjoy that. 0:1:53.190 --> 0:1:55.540 Skeba, Nika I don't think, OK, you see it? 0:1:55.290 --> 0:2:3.90 Alan Bone The ability to get at the bench and do work, whether it's in the dimensional mechanical area or Dynamics lab where I do some electrical as well. 0:2:4.240 --> 0:2:4.460 Skeba, Nika Right. 0:2:3.980 --> 0:2:12.540 Alan Bone So kind of a plethora of things, but my experience has all been here and at Western states in our you know, commercial labs, so. 0:2:13.140 --> 0:2:13.330 Skeba, Nika Well. 0:2:14.720 --> 0:2:15.190 Fletcher, Sam Have fun. 0:2:15.380 --> 0:2:15.670 Fletcher, Sam How? 0:2:15.680 --> 0:2:16.450 Fletcher, Sam How much? 0:2:16.520 --> 0:2:16.950 Fletcher, Sam What? 0:2:18.770 --> 0:2:19.0 Skeba, Nika So. 0:2:17.0 --> 0:2:19.170 Fletcher, Sam What's the geographical reach for you you serve? 0:2:20.360 --> 0:2:20.890 Alan Bone We serve. 0:2:20.900 --> 0:2:26.940 Alan Bone I don't know what you're familiarity is of Utah, but we go ohh, I would guess. 0:2:27.660 --> 0:2:28.150 Skeba, Nika OK. 0:2:28.880 --> 0:2:32.350 Skeba, Nika Ohh yeah, it's like I don't everything. 0:2:33.0 --> 0:2:33.740 Skeba, Nika Yeah, one thing. 0:2:35.840 --> 0:2:36.60 Skeba, Nika Right. 0:2:38.20 --> 0:2:38.250 Skeba, Nika Right. 0:2:29.10 --> 0:2:41.640 Alan Bone Probably NN 60 or 70 miles up to Logan every week and then down to the pace and which is about the same distance to the South. 0:2:42.670 --> 0:2:42.810 Skeba, Nika Yeah. 0:2:43.680 --> 0:2:45.370 Skeba, Nika Ever since then, like five? 0:2:42.230 --> 0:2:47.520 Alan Bone And so I'm North and South or east and West are in east and West. 0:2:47.100 --> 0:2:49.200 Skeba, Nika Yeah, they're. 0:2:47.530 --> 0:2:52.720 Alan Bone We probably we go up in the Park City and then out South to Twila. 0:2:55.120 --> 0:2:56.770 Skeba, Nika And that's all. 0:2:52.790 --> 0:2:58.440 Alan Bone And so mostly just here in the mountain, you know, area of Lake but. 0:2:58.80 --> 0:2:59.80 Skeba, Nika But yeah, like people. 0:3:0.710 --> 0:3:6.160 Alan Bone We get a little further with some of our field service work, but we try not to do that. 0:3:6.170 --> 0:3:7.440 Alan Bone We don't focus on that. 0:3:7.450 --> 0:3:18.360 Alan Bone We get down into Saint George and Cedar City and occasionally down into Henderson, NV and then sometimes up into Idaho and Montana. 0:3:18.370 --> 0:3:22.120 Alan Bone But we we really try to stay clear of that. 0:3:22.130 --> 0:3:25.990 Alan Bone It's not very profitable for us based on the travel and the time factor. 0:3:27.730 --> 0:3:28.520 Fletcher, Sam Right, right. 0:3:29.30 --> 0:3:29.230 Fletcher, Sam Right. 0:3:29.640 --> 0:3:39.310 Fletcher, Sam I'm do you have focus on particular disciplines in your lab or do you are you do you kind of serve like temperature, pressure, electrical? 0:3:39.680 --> 0:3:40.560 Fletcher, Sam He's a dimensional too. 0:3:41.160 --> 0:3:42.70 Alan Bone Yeah, we do. 0:3:42.80 --> 0:3:43.150 Alan Bone We do all of those. 0:3:43.160 --> 0:3:53.750 Alan Bone We don't do any RF work, and so you're you're basic, I think are electronic calibrators go up to 1 gig. 0:3:54.740 --> 0:4:1.610 Alan Bone And so outside of that, we have some high, high resistance high voltage testers. 0:4:1.620 --> 0:4:21.780 Alan Bone But outside of that, in the electronics world, that's about, you know, we focus on the your basic everyday stuff, your scope, multimedia leaders, power supplies and then temperature, humidity, we have Fluke baths, we have a Thunder scientific for him. 0:4:22.820 --> 0:4:24.730 Alan Bone Vironment umm. 0:4:25.280 --> 0:4:27.990 Alan Bone We have temperature data loggers to our field. 0:4:28.0 --> 0:4:53.880 Alan Bone Service covers oven pressure, temperature, Process, equipment rate umm, and then in house dimensional side we have a Pratt and Whitney lab master and so we go from millions of an inch to your calipers, micrometers, hand tools, indicators, enamic. 0:4:53.890 --> 0:5:0.190 Alan Bone So we can go up to 30,000 in force for both pressure and or tension and compression. 0:5:6.420 --> 0:5:8.230 Fletcher, Sam Awesome, yeah. 0:5:0.200 --> 0:5:12.350 Alan Bone We have torque up to 1000 foot pounds and pressure up to 10,000 PSI and so we're pretty yeah, we have a pretty wide range of and we've been doing the dimensional mechanical for longer. 0:5:12.640 --> 0:5:19.230 Alan Bone The the original owner, Don Southam, he passed away in 2006, and his son Dave owns 100% of the business. 0:5:19.240 --> 0:5:29.760 Alan Bone But we started around 808586 and primarily doing dimensional mechanical items in the late 1990s. 0:5:29.770 --> 0:5:32.880 Alan Bone 98 or so, we got into the electronic world. 0:5:33.970 --> 0:5:37.200 Alan Bone So not long after I started, we hired a couple. 0:5:37.210 --> 0:5:50.550 Alan Bone We hired a technician from a a local lab stable labs, and he kind of opened our door into like tronics world where we bought some wave tech equipment, which now of course is all Fluke stuff. 0:5:51.180 --> 0:5:51.670 Alan Bone Umm. 0:5:52.140 --> 0:5:55.20 Alan Bone And and so that's we've been doing electronic Cal since then. 0:5:57.360 --> 0:6:4.210 Fletcher, Sam I one of my questions is about which Fluke Calibration tools do you use that that might be a long list I'm thinking. 0:6:5.500 --> 0:6:5.860 Alan Bone Sure. 0:6:6.680 --> 0:6:7.180 Alan Bone Umm. 0:6:7.800 --> 0:6:16.120 Alan Bone In our in our electronics lab, we we have a Fluke 5520, we have a. 0:6:18.0 --> 0:6:19.850 Alan Bone Fluke 5730A. 0:6:19.860 --> 0:6:22.550 Alan Bone Fluke 8508 A Fluke. 0:6:22.560 --> 0:6:28.780 Alan Bone 8588 Fluke 5560 that we just got earlier this year? 0:6:29.500 --> 0:6:31.130 Alan Bone Umm we have. 0:6:32.950 --> 0:6:34.260 Alan Bone Ohh, what other food devices? 0:6:34.270 --> 0:6:39.560 Alan Bone We have a handful of Fluke documenting process calibrators that we use in the field. 0:6:40.610 --> 0:6:44.300 Alan Bone Umm, we have Fluke temperature baths. 0:6:44.640 --> 0:6:49.960 Alan Bone We have a a Fluke heart scientific black stack. 0:6:51.360 --> 0:6:59.130 Alan Bone We have some some dry wells, both the field ones, the 91 forties and then the 9170 threes are. 0:6:59.140 --> 0:7:0.20 Alan Bone We have a couple of those. 0:7:1.10 --> 0:7:3.730 Alan Bone Umm, we have some Fluke PRT. 0:7:8.930 --> 0:7:11.730 Alan Bone Let's see anything else there that are this Fluke? 0:7:11.740 --> 0:7:12.930 Alan Bone We have a few, a few. 0:7:12.970 --> 0:7:20.440 Alan Bone We have a couple bench top calibrators so this 7526 and the 525 which isn't supported anymore. 0:7:20.450 --> 0:7:21.230 Alan Bone I just learned but. 0:7:23.840 --> 0:7:27.680 Alan Bone And then we have some Fluke modules that we also use in the field pressure modules. 0:7:29.920 --> 0:7:31.770 Fletcher, Sam For the for the 754. 0:7:32.960 --> 0:7:33.100 Alan Bone Yes. 0:7:34.20 --> 0:7:34.320 Fletcher, Sam Nice. 0:7:34.220 --> 0:7:34.360 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:7:35.140 --> 0:7:43.860 Alan Bone And we have some older, we have a couple 740 threes that still limp around, but mostly we use for display purposes here in the lab. 0:7:43.870 --> 0:7:46.980 Alan Bone The text in the field use the 750, fours and 753. 0:7:49.170 --> 0:7:53.430 Fletcher, Sam Do you are you a Fluke shop or do you have any of our our computer competitor products there? 0:7:54.150 --> 0:7:56.100 Alan Bone And yeah, we have some of the competitor stuff. 0:7:56.110 --> 0:8:1.190 Alan Bone We have some additel modules, pressure standards we have. 0:8:4.640 --> 0:8:5.160 Alan Bone Let's see. 0:8:5.170 --> 0:8:10.610 Alan Bone We have some adjuvant key state benchtop meters 34461. 0:8:10.620 --> 0:8:10.970 Alan Bone We have. 0:8:11.910 --> 0:8:17.530 Alan Bone Some older function generator HP items. Umm. 0:8:20.920 --> 0:8:31.270 Alan Bone I have the anything else couple of I don't know what brand they are just little power supplies that we use in the field for sourcing transmitters and things like that. 0:8:33.530 --> 0:8:36.230 Alan Bone But predominantly our major Cal equipment. 0:8:37.670 --> 0:8:39.280 Alan Bone Umm, calibration equipment? 0:8:39.290 --> 0:8:40.890 Alan Bone Is is Fluke products. 0:8:43.840 --> 0:8:44.590 Fletcher, Sam You mentioned this. 0:8:52.30 --> 0:8:52.220 Alan Bone That's. 0:8:45.40 --> 0:8:52.590 Fletcher, Sam I'm really curious as we're doing a some Marketing work around our our dry blocks the the 9140 series nine with 70 series. 0:8:53.640 --> 0:8:57.750 Fletcher, Sam So what when you were, when did you get those? 0:8:58.160 --> 0:8:59.80 Fletcher, Sam Have you had those for a while? 0:8:59.840 --> 0:9:0.790 Alan Bone Yeah, we have. 0:9:0.800 --> 0:9:16.720 Alan Bone We we've gone through a couple different I think I think our original one, I can't remember it was a 9143 that went out of service quite a while back, but we had one of those way back in the early 2000s when we first started electronics and temperature stuff. 0:9:17.260 --> 0:9:24.370 Alan Bone Umm, but I think we have three of the 91 forties and a couple of the 9170 threes. 0:9:24.500 --> 0:9:31.340 Alan Bone And then one of the other, I know there's another 91 series that we have, but yeah, we've used them for quite a while. 0:9:32.810 --> 0:9:35.400 Fletcher, Sam Have you been looking at any of the out of Tel dry wells? 0:9:36.560 --> 0:9:39.740 Alan Bone I'm not currently I. 0:9:40.50 --> 0:9:41.280 Alan Bone I know they're out there, I know. 0:9:43.480 --> 0:9:45.180 Alan Bone They like to push them on us a little bit. 0:9:47.420 --> 0:9:48.150 Alan Bone I will. 0:9:48.200 --> 0:9:56.330 Alan Bone I will say I like out of tills, pressure options, options better than Luke's pressure modules. 0:9:57.340 --> 0:10:12.110 Alan Bone Umm, right now when my pressure modules the 700 series go bad on us, whether it's a cable or whether they need any factory repair, I lean towards buying the additel pressure. 0:10:12.180 --> 0:10:24.180 Alan Bone There comparable because they're just easier to use and they don't have to connect them to the 7:43 or seven 54753 series. 0:10:26.630 --> 0:10:30.0 Alan Bone And that's just the the the the cable connection. 0:10:39.380 --> 0:10:39.640 Fletcher, Sam Umm. 0:10:30.10 --> 0:10:42.180 Alan Bone I've had more had more issues with having this spend 3 to $400.00 to get the module working again by replacing the cable than anything else and that's just that. 0:10:43.150 --> 0:10:45.570 Alan Bone That's just a waste in my for me so. 0:10:45.640 --> 0:10:46.320 Fletcher, Sam Yeah, yeah. 0:10:47.220 --> 0:10:51.550 Alan Bone Billy I for my pressure modules, I'm not repairing or sending those to Fluke anymore. 0:10:51.560 --> 0:10:53.40 Alan Bone I'm replacing them without a fill. 0:10:54.120 --> 0:10:55.110 Fletcher, Sam Gotcha. Gotcha. 0:10:55.220 --> 0:10:55.650 Fletcher, Sam Thank you. 0:10:55.710 --> 0:10:55.890 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:10:55.660 --> 0:10:55.940 Fletcher, Sam Yeah. 0:10:55.950 --> 0:10:57.250 Fletcher, Sam Thank you for the feedback on that. 0:10:57.300 --> 0:10:59.150 Fletcher, Sam Ohh I'll definitely share that with the team. 0:10:59.510 --> 0:10:59.710 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:11:0.490 --> 0:11:2.20 Fletcher, Sam Umm what? 0:11:2.30 --> 0:11:8.450 Fletcher, Sam I I I thought you had a 5560 would, would that be the most recent calibrating purchased? 0:11:9.70 --> 0:11:9.410 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:11:9.420 --> 0:11:19.310 Alan Bone That we we bought the end of December, we purchased a 5560 and the new 8588 to go with it. 0:11:21.330 --> 0:11:25.720 Fletcher, Sam How was your experience like doing the research for that? 0:11:25.730 --> 0:11:27.360 Fletcher, Sam Like did you? 0:11:27.400 --> 0:11:28.800 Fletcher, Sam Did you do your research? 0:11:28.810 --> 0:11:29.680 Fletcher, Sam Really in the web? 0:11:29.690 --> 0:11:32.20 Fletcher, Sam Or were you contacted by a salesperson? 0:11:32.30 --> 0:11:32.400 Fletcher, Sam Like what? 0:11:32.410 --> 0:11:35.630 Fletcher, Sam What can you describe that experience to me as much as you remember it? 0:11:34.650 --> 0:11:39.410 Alan Bone Yeah, I'm trying to remember exactly how I first learned about it. 0:11:40.160 --> 0:11:44.370 Alan Bone Number if it was something online or. 0:11:47.540 --> 0:12:2.600 Alan Bone Why can't or if we were just looking at it, I mean we we knew we needed to because we had a a wave tech 9100 that is not hasn't been supported for quite some time and it was on its last leg. 0:12:2.610 --> 0:12:5.960 Alan Bone And so we knew we needed to replace that with something. 0:12:6.360 --> 0:12:9.750 Alan Bone And we're looking at the 55 twenties series. 0:12:9.760 --> 0:12:15.250 Alan Bone Obviously the 22 and then I think he either got an email or something online. 0:12:15.260 --> 0:12:19.540 Alan Bone I don't think it was originally Sales that reach out reached out to me. 0:12:20.10 --> 0:12:22.40 Alan Bone Umm, but then we just started? 0:12:22.90 --> 0:12:24.800 Alan Bone I inquired through Sales what was available. 0:12:25.130 --> 0:12:31.0 Alan Bone They actually, I think they came by with a demo, the local sales Rep. 0:12:31.10 --> 0:12:34.320 Alan Bone And no, I shouldn't remember his name. 0:12:34.330 --> 0:12:50.580 Alan Bone But the electronics guy that often shows the demos they came out and and showed me one and after we saw one here and we're able to play with it a little bit, it was kind of a no brainer. 0:12:50.590 --> 0:12:53.330 Alan Bone We thought, OK, that's that's what we need. 0:12:53.340 --> 0:12:58.820 Alan Bone That's our best solution at replacing and this 9100 and going forward so. 0:13:0.80 --> 0:13:4.440 Fletcher, Sam Of the of Phillip, scope calibration is kind of your your primary interest for it. 0:13:5.370 --> 0:13:13.630 Alan Bone I no the the the meter portion of it cause our 5520 we have the scope option as well. 0:13:14.350 --> 0:13:19.200 Alan Bone Umm, we also have a Fluke or wave tech 9500. 0:13:19.210 --> 0:13:20.710 Alan Bone I don't think I mentioned that in the beginning. 0:13:21.730 --> 0:13:22.260 Alan Bone Why? 0:13:22.330 --> 0:13:23.940 Alan Bone Why didn't mention that? 0:13:23.950 --> 0:13:27.460 Alan Bone I think it's because it's been in Fluke possession since December. 0:13:29.220 --> 0:13:29.750 Fletcher, Sam Ohh. 0:13:27.530 --> 0:13:30.220 Alan Bone So I was thinking on our bench. 0:13:30.230 --> 0:13:33.820 Alan Bone I was thinking on our bench of what we have and that's currently not here. 0:13:33.870 --> 0:13:41.980 Alan Bone That's a whole nother story that I definitely have some opinions about, but not necessarily aligned with marketing and sales approach of things. 0:13:42.650 --> 0:13:44.700 Fletcher, Sam I mean, this is your time to to share. 0:13:45.510 --> 0:13:45.790 Alan Bone She. 0:13:45.130 --> 0:13:48.740 Fletcher, Sam So if if you would like to share something, we'll definitely happy to listen. 0:13:49.430 --> 0:13:54.760 Alan Bone Yeah, well, interestingly enough, we, we we do use met Cal. 0:13:54.770 --> 0:14:2.60 Alan Bone I only have one license of it, but it's for that electronics lab and it's predominantly so we can get the automated procedures. 0:14:2.930 --> 0:14:3.420 Alan Bone Umm. 0:14:3.630 --> 0:14:6.780 Alan Bone And we've been using that for a number of years now. 0:14:7.750 --> 0:14:15.420 Alan Bone But our 9500 last July went out for Cal and they upgraded it to a 9500 B well. 0:14:15.430 --> 0:14:19.100 Alan Bone When it came back, met Cal wouldn't talk to it correctly anymore. 0:14:19.150 --> 0:14:27.600 Alan Bone So by December, we had determined with Krista in Metcal support, that we should send it back to Fluke. 0:14:27.610 --> 0:14:32.40 Alan Bone So the engineers could try to determine whether or not where the disconnect was. 0:14:32.50 --> 0:14:32.210 Alan Bone Why? 0:14:32.960 --> 0:14:36.60 Alan Bone Why Matt Cow wasn't talking to it was the firmware issue. 0:14:36.70 --> 0:14:42.890 Alan Bone Was it something with the internal whatever with it being a 9500 B, so it went back to Fluke. 0:14:42.940 --> 0:14:44.690 Alan Bone They had it for three or four weeks. 0:14:44.700 --> 0:14:46.210 Alan Bone Determined what the problem was. 0:14:46.220 --> 0:14:52.550 Alan Bone We got it back the end of December and it immediately kicked 5 self test errors and wouldn't get past them. 0:14:53.510 --> 0:14:58.540 Alan Bone So we've got it sent back to Fluke in January or some I can't remember the time frame now. 0:14:58.990 --> 0:15:1.920 Alan Bone And since then, they've been trying to get it to work again. 0:15:2.90 --> 0:15:5.40 Alan Bone And so I've been without my oscillioscope calibrator. 0:15:5.50 --> 0:15:10.90 Alan Bone Since then I've been working with and I and I do appreciate it. 0:15:10.200 --> 0:15:14.770 Alan Bone I I have been in contact with Clarence. 0:15:14.780 --> 0:15:15.860 Alan Bone I forget his last name. 0:15:17.590 --> 0:15:19.990 Alan Bone He's in service. Umm. 0:15:22.170 --> 0:15:24.500 Alan Bone Let me just I'm just scrolling through sending emails here. 0:15:24.510 --> 0:15:31.720 Alan Bone Not that it matters, but Clarence Williams, although I think he's like the CSS supervisor. 0:15:32.150 --> 0:15:37.550 Alan Bone So my my updates are not very quick, but I know they've been and to get up to work. 0:15:38.670 --> 0:15:40.150 Alan Bone My fear is it's a 90. 0:15:40.210 --> 0:15:41.480 Alan Bone You know, it's a 9500. 0:15:41.490 --> 0:15:51.630 Alan Bone It's been around for a long time, but it had no issues till it went to Fluke and now I am without it for well over seven months and. 0:15:53.610 --> 0:16:1.410 Alan Bone I don't even know where it's going to go from there and so if you were to ask me at the beginning of this, what are your issues with Fluke? 0:16:1.590 --> 0:16:2.700 Alan Bone I love the product. 0:16:2.710 --> 0:16:4.630 Alan Bone We will always buy Fluke product. 0:16:18.310 --> 0:16:18.950 Fletcher, Sam Yeah, yeah. 0:16:5.210 --> 0:16:20.320 Alan Bone I like the general support I get, but with issues like my 9500, a small lab like me, umm, being without that calibrator for over seven months has has heard us and and and I get it, things happen. 0:16:20.330 --> 0:16:23.310 Alan Bone You know you can't control every instrument and shipping. 0:16:23.320 --> 0:16:25.470 Alan Bone Who knows what happens in shipping? 0:16:26.210 --> 0:16:30.10 Alan Bone Umm, you never know, but those types of issues. 0:16:32.220 --> 0:16:47.300 Alan Bone Don't seem to get the escalation that I would hope from a small commercial lab who obviously has commitment to Fluke and have been dumping money into new product even as well. 0:16:47.750 --> 0:16:53.120 Alan Bone You know that it I have to reach back out to Clarence every time I want an update. 0:16:54.40 --> 0:16:56.950 Alan Bone And I'm like, hey, you know, we're seven months. 0:16:56.960 --> 0:16:57.490 Alan Bone I shouldn't. 0:16:57.500 --> 0:17:5.570 Alan Bone It shouldn't be that hard to keep me informed and and I've even said maybe someone else could give me updates cause I know he's the CSF supervisor. 0:17:5.580 --> 0:17:21.660 Alan Bone It's not, you know, it's not his daily job to update people, I'm sure, but that that's my major complaint today with with Fluke is more around the service side of getting things and turning things quickly and back to us so. 0:17:22.600 --> 0:17:23.700 Fletcher, Sam Yeah, yeah, yeah. 0:17:23.710 --> 0:17:24.380 Fletcher, Sam Thank you for. 0:17:26.160 --> 0:17:26.300 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:17:24.420 --> 0:17:39.20 Fletcher, Sam Thank you for being candid and and yeah, I'm very sorry to hear about the the issues there and I hope that some of the, I know we've been making some changes here internally and I hope you start to feed the impact of those soon and thank you for sharing. 0:17:42.30 --> 0:17:42.200 Alan Bone Yes. 0:17:39.30 --> 0:17:42.460 Fletcher, Sam I'll definitely share your feedback with our team. 0:17:42.470 --> 0:17:43.580 Fletcher, Sam That's been working on service. 0:17:44.200 --> 0:17:44.360 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:17:46.390 --> 0:17:51.220 Fletcher, Sam Umm, changing the the topic just a little bit? Umm. 0:17:51.80 --> 0:17:51.360 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:17:53.450 --> 0:17:55.580 Fletcher, Sam You mentioned that you are. 0:17:55.950 --> 0:18:0.80 Fletcher, Sam You mentioned you found email from us, so I I take it you're an email subscriber. 0:18:1.50 --> 0:18:1.230 Alan Bone Yes. 0:18:1.880 --> 0:18:4.690 Fletcher, Sam Uh, do you look at any any of our social media? 0:18:5.200 --> 0:18:8.670 Fletcher, Sam Are you subscribed to any like LinkedIn or Facebook or anything like that too? 0:18:9.600 --> 0:18:12.30 Alan Bone I am on LinkedIn and Facebook but I don't. 0:18:12.80 --> 0:18:25.70 Alan Bone I don't think I've subscribed to Fluke on either of those, only from the perspective of I don't spend a lot of time in those areas I'm looking for. 0:18:25.580 --> 0:18:29.410 Alan Bone Typically, if I'm looking for something occasionally I'll follow a link on an email. 0:18:29.500 --> 0:18:40.230 Alan Bone For example, if it has something of interest, or it's talking about a piece of new equipment or it's an, you know, I know they recently came out with the newest silos scope calibrator a few months back. 0:18:40.240 --> 0:18:49.600 Alan Bone And so I jumped on the broadcast of that, that I only learned about via an email, but I don't. 0:18:49.640 --> 0:18:56.270 Alan Bone I don't use social media necessarily to track I I will occasionally I might be subscribed to. 0:18:58.80 --> 0:19:1.820 Alan Bone Gusts Weekly, Monday metrology something. 0:19:2.340 --> 0:19:3.360 Fletcher, Sam Metrology Monday, yeah. 0:19:3.450 --> 0:19:3.700 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:19:3.710 --> 0:19:4.160 Alan Bone There you go. 0:19:4.210 --> 0:19:4.860 Alan Bone There you go. 0:19:5.110 --> 0:19:15.720 Alan Bone But I don't know that I would say I and an avid follower or you know, every once in a while I'll jump on LinkedIn and be like, oh, that looks like an interesting topic from his metrology Monday. 0:19:15.730 --> 0:19:16.80 Alan Bone I'll. 0:19:16.470 --> 0:19:17.730 Alan Bone I'll watch it, you know, or read it. 0:19:19.640 --> 0:19:21.60 Alan Bone And if that's what you're asking, but. 0:19:21.610 --> 0:19:29.120 Fletcher, Sam Ohh yeah, yeah yeah, no great answer for for email content like do you see the kinds of things you wanna see? 0:19:29.130 --> 0:19:35.820 Fletcher, Sam If there's something, is there a type of content that we're not creating that you think would be really valuable to you? 0:19:37.480 --> 0:19:39.960 Alan Bone Umm, that's a good question. 0:19:44.440 --> 0:19:47.370 Alan Bone I don't know of anything that I have thought of. 0:19:47.670 --> 0:19:50.170 Alan Bone Ohh, I wish I would have learned about this sooner. 0:19:50.180 --> 0:19:56.680 Alan Bone You know, I think for the most part, the things that are critical for me, umm, like Michael. 0:19:56.690 --> 0:20:1.280 Alan Bone I know I'll get emails about metcal updates and and that's always helpful. 0:20:1.290 --> 0:20:2.930 Alan Bone That's that's kind of a newer thing. 0:20:4.180 --> 0:20:6.110 Alan Bone Umm that it's helpful. 0:20:6.320 --> 0:20:24.650 Alan Bone I think any anything related to those types of things that we use on a daily basis obviously are I really appreciate getting just popping up in my inbox, but I as far as additional content, Umm, personally I I can't think of anything off the top of my head. 0:20:24.740 --> 0:20:24.860 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:20:38.160 --> 0:20:38.390 Alan Bone Umm. 0:20:26.270 --> 0:20:48.80 Fletcher, Sam If maybe you'll think about the question because you're you're you've been very, you're very experienced and and you know a lot about the field, but maybe thinking about some of your more junior level technicians that are trying to advance in their careers, like is there something that you would like to see an email that would make you go like hey, you need to go get subscribed to the this email in this letter? 0:20:50.570 --> 0:20:50.950 Alan Bone Umm. 0:20:53.870 --> 0:20:54.110 Alan Bone Yes. 0:20:56.470 --> 0:21:10.350 Alan Bone Of things that that pertain to our industry, get cells, emails that say, you know, buy this and we're giving free product or you this you get the. 0:21:12.660 --> 0:21:17.180 Alan Bone Patching, but from an entry level type tech per position. 0:21:17.650 --> 0:21:25.810 Alan Bone I think knowledge based stuff is this may be more advantageous, at least from my perspective to there's my. 0:21:25.820 --> 0:21:29.10 Alan Bone My bench texts aren't the one looking at buying new equipment. 0:21:29.20 --> 0:21:36.630 Alan Bone That's scarily and and and a lot of times it's it's end user stuff, you know, from a calibration company. 0:21:37.950 --> 0:21:46.30 Alan Bone I'm not so concerned about how does this meter perform or how is this better than a DM from someone else? 0:21:46.950 --> 0:21:48.520 Alan Bone Umm I'm. 0:21:48.530 --> 0:21:55.80 Alan Bone I'm more about, hey, you know, here's there's maybe a procedure level or a concept idea or. 0:21:57.420 --> 0:21:57.890 Alan Bone You know. 0:21:57.900 --> 0:21:58.340 Alan Bone Uh. 0:21:58.860 --> 0:22:8.750 Alan Bone A link maybe for a knowledge based thing talking about Ohms law or things that are really more particular to what we deal with every day. 0:22:9.580 --> 0:22:9.900 Fletcher, Sam Umm. 0:22:9.160 --> 0:22:11.630 Alan Bone I think that would be potentially useful. 0:22:11.640 --> 0:22:12.980 Alan Bone Maybe from that perspective. 0:22:15.750 --> 0:22:16.100 Fletcher, Sam Yeah. 0:22:16.110 --> 0:22:17.140 Fletcher, Sam Thank you for the answer there. 0:22:17.150 --> 0:22:17.460 Fletcher, Sam Yeah. 0:22:17.530 --> 0:22:28.30 Fletcher, Sam Yeah, that's and yeah, that's I, I I I completely agree with that and and you're saying like less of the sales and promotional content. 0:22:29.350 --> 0:22:30.760 Alan Bone And that has its own place. 0:22:30.770 --> 0:22:33.260 Alan Bone I get that I wouldn't say that, you know, I don't. 0:22:33.270 --> 0:22:33.560 Alan Bone I don't. 0:22:33.570 --> 0:22:39.410 Alan Bone I don't think that should go away, but it's not applicable to me from a handheld perspective. 0:22:39.480 --> 0:22:49.920 Alan Bone You know meter thing side, you know, I of course it's calibration equipment for me, but it you know I so so I think it has its place. 0:22:51.120 --> 0:22:55.180 Alan Bone I just normally those just get deleted without even me looking at them. 0:22:56.410 --> 0:22:57.340 Fletcher, Sam Right, right, right. 0:22:59.430 --> 0:23:2.960 Fletcher, Sam Umm do you do you use the website like do, do you? 0:23:3.130 --> 0:23:3.840 Fletcher, Sam Or do you? 0:23:3.850 --> 0:23:5.260 Fletcher, Sam Do you see your text like you like? 0:23:5.270 --> 0:23:8.460 Fletcher, Sam Googling to get answers to like you know how to resolve questions. 0:23:8.470 --> 0:23:12.230 Fletcher, Sam Or do you think the knowledge base or anything like that it? 0:23:11.590 --> 0:23:17.940 Alan Bone Yeah, I don't know how much my text do necessarily, but I definitely use Fluke cow quite often. 0:23:17.950 --> 0:23:23.930 Alan Bone I use the qubit website umm and and my. 0:23:24.0 --> 0:23:25.260 Alan Bone I know my texts are on there. 0:23:25.270 --> 0:23:25.890 Alan Bone We use. 0:23:25.900 --> 0:23:26.750 Alan Bone We use flutes. 0:23:26.760 --> 0:23:27.690 Alan Bone Temperature conversion? 0:23:29.210 --> 0:23:29.670 Alan Bone Umm. 0:23:30.290 --> 0:23:41.730 Alan Bone Website as well for millivolt substitution on thermocouple test points and and so definitely there's some resources that we use frequently out there on the fluke website. 0:23:42.730 --> 0:23:44.360 Fletcher, Sam So the the calculators. 0:23:46.140 --> 0:23:53.750 Fletcher, Sam Uh, do you like, would you say it's like a blog or the product pages and manuals? 0:23:53.760 --> 0:23:55.130 Fletcher, Sam Is there anything that stands out there? 0:23:56.170 --> 0:24:5.180 Alan Bone Yeah, I would say the calculators and the the product pages and manuals, we definitely look frequently, especially if it's something we haven't seen before. 0:24:5.610 --> 0:24:13.560 Alan Bone That's one thing that I love about Fluke is if there's a calibration manual, we ought to be able to find it pretty quick, you know? 0:24:13.570 --> 0:24:16.320 Alan Bone And so, and they're readily available. 0:24:17.110 --> 0:24:17.630 Alan Bone Umm. 0:24:18.130 --> 0:24:21.670 Alan Bone And so that is that is something we used frequently. 0:24:24.850 --> 0:24:27.260 Fletcher, Sam Well, I think I really appreciate you taking the time for these. 0:24:27.270 --> 0:24:31.90 Fletcher, Sam I I wanted to see if Jordan or Nika, if you had any any questions for Alan. 0:24:33.350 --> 0:24:36.940 Kraski, Jordan I did actually on that last plane you mentioned. 0:24:37.110 --> 0:24:38.220 Kraski, Jordan You want your. 0:24:38.230 --> 0:24:41.140 Kraski, Jordan You need to be able to find the manuals quickly. 0:24:41.490 --> 0:24:43.640 Kraski, Jordan Is that why is that? 0:24:43.650 --> 0:24:48.940 Kraski, Jordan Is that if something is broken or if there's like a procedure that you're trying to do with the product? 0:24:54.490 --> 0:24:55.240 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:24:48.950 --> 0:24:55.250 Kraski, Jordan Like what are the key, I guess like what are you using the manuals for to supply? 0:24:55.820 --> 0:24:56.560 Alan Bone Good question. 0:24:56.570 --> 0:25:5.690 Alan Bone Normally, normally it's something that maybe we haven't seen yet before, so we don't have an internal data sheet set up for that item yet. 0:25:6.30 --> 0:25:21.420 Alan Bone And so we're looking for specifications and it possible if there is a calibration manual, then even better, sometimes it's the user manual because our tech wants to become a little more familiar with, umm, certain test functions. 0:25:21.430 --> 0:25:22.890 Alan Bone And how do I set up the instrument? 0:25:23.850 --> 0:25:34.600 Alan Bone Most calibration manuals that food produces has all that built in, but some of the older ones you almost have to hit the user manual as well to find out. 0:25:34.610 --> 0:25:36.220 Alan Bone OK, I've got this power analyzer. 0:25:36.230 --> 0:25:38.400 Alan Bone How do I need to configure it to take this reading? 0:25:39.30 --> 0:25:43.280 Alan Bone Umm, so normally it's it's set up, it's often specifications. 0:25:44.150 --> 0:25:44.780 Alan Bone Umm. 0:25:45.210 --> 0:25:56.360 Alan Bone And then you know further if if there's a Met Cal procedure for it, then I'll jump to qubit and download A Met caliper secure that that might benefit us based on what standard we have. 0:25:56.370 --> 0:25:58.200 Alan Bone And if it you know if it applies so. 0:25:59.670 --> 0:26:0.180 Kraski, Jordan OK. 0:26:0.250 --> 0:26:0.960 Kraski, Jordan Thank you. 0:26:1.360 --> 0:26:1.520 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:26:1.390 --> 0:26:2.560 Kraski, Jordan I do have another one too. 0:26:2.900 --> 0:26:7.100 Kraski, Jordan Ah, I just like as a AI becoming increasingly more popular. 0:26:7.170 --> 0:26:8.60 Kraski, Jordan Or are you? 0:26:8.70 --> 0:26:13.740 Kraski, Jordan Or do you notice like any of your texts using AI in the workplace? 0:26:13.750 --> 0:26:14.740 Kraski, Jordan And how are they doing that? 0:26:16.410 --> 0:26:18.610 Kraski, Jordan Is that something that Fluke could generate? 0:26:20.780 --> 0:26:23.360 Kraski, Jordan Something AI related to help you with your jobs. 0:26:23.370 --> 0:26:25.310 Kraski, Jordan Or is there a way that you're using AI right now? 0:26:27.530 --> 0:26:27.960 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:26:28.10 --> 0:26:28.640 Alan Bone OK, good. 0:26:28.650 --> 0:26:29.540 Alan Bone Yeah, good question. 0:26:29.550 --> 0:26:29.830 Alan Bone I don't. 0:26:31.880 --> 0:26:39.400 Alan Bone To my knowledge, our text to using it more just as a resource to answer questions. 0:26:39.870 --> 0:26:51.460 Alan Bone Umm, I don't know of any use of AI that we've capitalize yet on that there's necessarily benefiting us on a day to day basis. 0:26:52.90 --> 0:27:3.880 Alan Bone I know that I missed a I think Fluke reach out to me a week or two ago wanting to talk more about AI with me on a phone call similar to this one and I wasn't able to coordinate my time around it. 0:27:3.890 --> 0:27:7.340 Alan Bone But we're definitely not using it much yet. 0:27:8.100 --> 0:27:10.100 Alan Bone Umm, I would say it's more just. 0:27:12.180 --> 0:27:17.830 Alan Bone Googling it and saying hey, I wonder how it would respond and you know, maybe it's helpful. 0:27:18.160 --> 0:27:19.380 Alan Bone I I will say I have. 0:27:20.250 --> 0:27:25.0 Alan Bone Umm use chat GPT to get it to respond. 0:27:25.290 --> 0:27:33.520 Alan Bone You know, how do I set up an adjustment call to a key site something and it actually tried to respond and was pretty close. 0:27:34.380 --> 0:27:45.610 Alan Bone So I'm optimistic that there may be uses for it down the road for us, but we definitely have an integrated anything in our day to day operations that that use it directly. 0:27:47.340 --> 0:27:47.720 Kraski, Jordan OK. 0:27:47.730 --> 0:27:48.650 Kraski, Jordan That's really helpful. 0:27:48.660 --> 0:27:49.0 Kraski, Jordan Thank you. 0:27:49.890 --> 0:27:50.70 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:27:54.620 --> 0:27:55.590 Fletcher, Sam Because it's you. 0:27:55.980 --> 0:27:56.980 Fletcher, Sam Did you have any questions? 0:27:58.480 --> 0:28:6.990 Skeba, Nika Umm yeah, I was thinking more of like like I understand, like the whole frustrating process of not having equipment for so long. 0:28:7.0 --> 0:28:9.220 Skeba, Nika And I'm just curious, like what then? 0:28:11.850 --> 0:28:13.220 Skeba, Nika Is your is your alternative. 0:28:23.420 --> 0:28:23.570 Alan Bone Yes. 0:28:13.270 --> 0:28:26.470 Skeba, Nika You don't have that like would you want something like from fluke is like a replacement or like, you know, I'm just curious what you do in that situation like that, how you would want it resolved in such like a lengthy time frame? 0:28:27.700 --> 0:28:31.800 Alan Bone Yeah, that's a good question because it's something we have had to face. 0:28:34.320 --> 0:28:53.360 Alan Bone Our our pride, I, our prominent predominantly response to that is that we try to see do we have an alternative of course in first and so with our 9500 being gone, we had our 5520 but after about in March our 5520 can do as well. 0:28:53.370 --> 0:28:58.680 Alan Bone So I had to send that to Fluke for calibration and it was gone for over a month. 0:28:59.510 --> 0:29:7.780 Alan Bone Luckily, we had our 5560, which has the scope option, and so we were able to do some scopes, but not as many. 0:29:7.850 --> 0:29:16.620 Alan Bone There's not as many automated procedures built for the 5560 yet, so I went down the road of trying to modify some of those. 0:29:16.630 --> 0:29:27.980 Alan Bone Fluke has some guides to help try to convert to the automated procedure that was built for a 5520 to work for the 5560, but it was really it was really hit and miss. 0:29:28.580 --> 0:29:32.390 Alan Bone I would guess 10 to 20% of the time I got up to work. 0:29:37.210 --> 0:29:37.340 Skeba, Nika Yeah. 0:29:38.930 --> 0:29:39.750 Skeba, Nika Yeah, that's the thing. 0:29:32.960 --> 0:29:40.370 Alan Bone And so in most cases, Nika, what we would do is if we found an alternative, we would use it. 0:29:40.860 --> 0:29:48.250 Alan Bone If we couldn't find an alternative, we'd basically reach out to our customer and say, hey, here's our here's our dilemma. 0:29:50.0 --> 0:29:59.790 Alan Bone The possible solutions are you wait until our calibrator comes back or we find a an adequate third party that we can subcontract it to. 0:29:59.800 --> 0:30:7.720 Alan Bone That can do it for you in the interim and then we would subcontract that item for the customer, unless it was critical to them. 0:30:11.170 --> 0:30:11.410 Skeba, Nika There's. 0:30:8.300 --> 0:30:13.510 Alan Bone The majority of them would say, well, just hold on to it or send it back to us and we'll send it back in. 0:30:14.790 --> 0:30:14.910 Skeba, Nika Yeah. 0:30:13.520 --> 0:30:16.630 Alan Bone When you're instrument comes back umm. 0:30:28.430 --> 0:30:28.570 Skeba, Nika Yeah. 0:30:29.360 --> 0:30:29.590 Skeba, Nika It's. 0:30:28.630 --> 0:30:32.680 Alan Bone I'm I'm mostly for a stable signal and its resolution. 0:30:31.220 --> 0:30:35.440 Skeba, Nika Others quiet, yeah. 0:30:37.850 --> 0:30:38.280 Skeba, Nika Thanks. 0:30:38.290 --> 0:30:38.470 Skeba, Nika Bye. 0:30:33.460 --> 0:30:38.480 Alan Bone Umm, but we use an alternative version of contract as the short answer. 0:30:38.640 --> 0:30:38.910 Skeba, Nika Don't think. 0:30:40.0 --> 0:30:40.260 Skeba, Nika Yeah. 0:30:40.300 --> 0:30:40.570 Skeba, Nika Yeah. 0:30:40.580 --> 0:30:42.660 Skeba, Nika Thanks for for providing that are interesting. 0:30:44.160 --> 0:30:44.310 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:30:43.870 --> 0:30:47.120 Fletcher, Sam Did you say you're 9500 is still in the in the shop? 0:30:47.820 --> 0:30:49.680 Alan Bone Yes, it's still out Fluke service, yeah. 0:30:50.750 --> 0:30:57.630 Fletcher, Sam And have you been able to get any do you feel like you know where it's at or are you are you feeling confident of its status today? 0:30:58.500 --> 0:31:4.390 Alan Bone Well, my last correspondence was from Clarence Williams on the 18th. 0:31:4.440 --> 0:31:11.880 Alan Bone So week ago yesterday and I I said to him, it has been over a month since I heard back from you. 0:31:11.940 --> 0:31:14.480 Alan Bone At this point, my frustration is escalating. 0:31:14.550 --> 0:31:15.620 Alan Bone What do I need to get it? 0:31:15.910 --> 0:31:18.700 Alan Bone What do I need to do to get updates on our calibrator? 0:31:18.710 --> 0:31:20.760 Alan Bone It has been up Fluke since December. 0:31:20.820 --> 0:31:22.500 Alan Bone We need a solution to this problem. 0:31:22.510 --> 0:31:23.990 Alan Bone Please let me know what is being done. 0:31:25.110 --> 0:31:28.0 Alan Bone I heard back from him and he said sorry about that. 0:31:28.10 --> 0:31:33.780 Alan Bone Looks like the technician has replaced a couple of different parts and the issue has not been resolved. 0:31:33.850 --> 0:31:35.760 Alan Bone He has another part on order. 0:31:35.890 --> 0:31:38.880 Alan Bone I have reached out to the parts team for an ETA. 0:31:39.210 --> 0:31:40.260 Alan Bone We'll keep you posted. 0:31:41.480 --> 0:31:41.820 Alan Bone Umm. 0:31:42.990 --> 0:31:53.270 Alan Bone To be totally honest, I'm not confident at all that I will hear from him again until I ask happening now, and that could be this week. 0:31:53.280 --> 0:31:54.970 Alan Bone Or I could wait another gin. 0:31:55.20 --> 0:31:58.650 Alan Bone I could wait again for another two weeks before I reach out to him again. 0:31:59.220 --> 0:32:2.960 Alan Bone So honestly, I'm confident it's out. 0:32:2.970 --> 0:32:3.370 Alan Bone Fluke. 0:32:3.380 --> 0:32:5.680 Alan Bone I'm confident they're trying to fix the problem. 0:32:6.490 --> 0:32:17.0 Alan Bone Umm, my greater fears are gonna come back to me and say I don't have a solution for you, but we'll offer you 10% off of our brand new 9500 calibrator. 0:32:17.990 --> 0:32:18.210 Fletcher, Sam Mm-hmm. 0:32:19.410 --> 0:32:24.60 Alan Bone Yeah, I hate to chuckle cause that's that sounds funny to me, but. 0:32:25.970 --> 0:32:28.60 Alan Bone That's kind of the big picture for me, you know? 0:32:28.70 --> 0:32:42.40 Alan Bone And I you're getting a snippet of what I know is happening and and I don't expect this to get escalated to you know the top here and that's necessarily, but that's kind of the that's kind of the typical. 0:32:44.160 --> 0:32:44.930 Alan Bone Just wait. 0:32:45.180 --> 0:32:45.490 Alan Bone Sorry. 0:32:46.160 --> 0:32:51.460 Alan Bone Umm, kind of deal with that answer and and sometimes that might be the case. 0:32:51.470 --> 0:32:52.650 Alan Bone But why? 0:32:52.660 --> 0:32:55.590 Alan Bone At this point I'm not getting a weekly update. 0:32:55.700 --> 0:32:57.170 Alan Bone Hey, this is where we're at. 0:32:57.220 --> 0:32:59.750 Alan Bone Sorry this is, you know, we haven't gotten past this. 0:32:59.760 --> 0:33:2.810 Alan Bone We're still waiting on a part and this is where it's coming from. 0:33:3.960 --> 0:33:5.170 Alan Bone That would be simple to me. 0:33:5.180 --> 0:33:10.260 Alan Bone That's what my customers would expect me to give them if I had one of their instruments. 0:33:10.960 --> 0:33:11.540 Alan Bone Umm. 0:33:11.810 --> 0:33:16.120 Alan Bone And so yeah, I don't know if that answers what you were looking for, but. 0:33:18.260 --> 0:33:18.710 Fletcher, Sam Yeah. 0:33:18.720 --> 0:33:19.490 Fletcher, Sam Oh, yeah. Yeah. 0:33:19.500 --> 0:33:20.210 Fletcher, Sam Definitely, yeah. 0:33:20.220 --> 0:33:21.660 Fletcher, Sam Thank you and thank you for sharing that. 0:33:22.600 --> 0:33:22.800 Alan Bone Yep. 0:33:26.360 --> 0:33:27.940 Fletcher, Sam Umm, but I I have actually. 0:33:27.190 --> 0:33:32.200 Alan Bone By the way, I did know that I did not accept this so that I could pitch my 9500 problems. 0:33:32.210 --> 0:33:32.780 Alan Bone I that wasn't. 0:33:34.430 --> 0:33:35.360 Alan Bone That wasn't my goal. 0:33:35.370 --> 0:33:37.230 Alan Bone From this this phone call so. 0:33:37.860 --> 0:33:39.590 Fletcher, Sam Ohh yeah absolutely. 0:33:48.530 --> 0:33:48.730 Alan Bone Sure. 0:33:39.820 --> 0:33:54.340 Fletcher, Sam I and I and I've and you know we've we've actually been probing into this because we're we're just we we the our goal was just to know like what are what is the experience of our customers like working for or what is the experience of our customers. 0:33:55.310 --> 0:34:0.140 Fletcher, Sam Umm to to to help us understand like where where some of the pain points are. 0:34:0.940 --> 0:34:1.60 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:34:2.470 --> 0:34:2.980 Skeba, Nika Yeah, it's. 0:34:0.150 --> 0:34:3.290 Fletcher, Sam And uh, you know. 0:34:3.300 --> 0:34:4.430 Fletcher, Sam So yeah. Yeah. 0:34:4.440 --> 0:34:4.850 Fletcher, Sam Thank you. 0:34:4.860 --> 0:34:6.810 Fletcher, Sam Thank you very much for for sharing that with us. 0:34:7.450 --> 0:34:7.660 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:34:7.680 --> 0:34:9.280 Skeba, Nika Yeah, yeah, definitely. 0:34:9.290 --> 0:34:11.570 Skeba, Nika Don't apologize, because that's definitely on our end. 0:34:11.580 --> 0:34:13.490 Skeba, Nika And these are things like we're trying to improve. 0:34:13.500 --> 0:34:17.270 Skeba, Nika So it's like anything you have that is a problem. 0:34:17.280 --> 0:34:20.960 Skeba, Nika We would definitely want to know about it because you don't want things to to improve. 0:34:21.620 --> 0:34:22.10 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:34:22.20 --> 0:34:24.60 Alan Bone Yeah, we all need that, don't we? So. 0:34:26.180 --> 0:34:27.190 Fletcher, Sam Is there anything else? 0:34:27.960 --> 0:34:28.410 Fletcher, Sam Jordan. 0:34:28.420 --> 0:34:31.180 Fletcher, Sam Nika give anymore anymore questions for you. 0:34:31.860 --> 0:34:32.50 Skeba, Nika Now. 0:34:32.900 --> 0:34:33.840 Kraski, Jordan Yeah, nothing on my end. 0:34:35.490 --> 0:34:39.880 Fletcher, Sam Alan, I I really want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to to answer her questions. 0:34:39.970 --> 0:34:42.900 Fletcher, Sam Is there anything else you want to add before we let you go? 0:34:43.680 --> 0:34:45.530 Alan Bone No, no, I I I do a. 0:34:45.540 --> 0:34:51.710 Alan Bone I appreciate books attention and and and typically when there's a problem or I need help. 0:34:52.160 --> 0:35:1.730 Alan Bone Occasionally I do struggle to get a quick response from sales, and I typically use our local, not local people, but. 0:35:4.130 --> 0:35:13.490 Alan Bone Ohh, let me just not cause I wanna drop names, but just so you have perspective of maybe who I'm going through umm. 0:35:15.650 --> 0:35:20.860 Alan Bone Larry Renda is one of our self, the territory sales manager. 0:35:21.90 --> 0:35:22.320 Alan Bone I know he's been out of town. 0:35:23.150 --> 0:35:23.550 Alan Bone Umm. 0:35:24.550 --> 0:35:27.580 Alan Bone Last week, Umm Tim Francis. 0:35:28.410 --> 0:35:36.840 Alan Bone Umm, sometimes I email and it's a week before I hear back and I think and that I'm I'm just apprised. 0:35:36.970 --> 0:35:43.580 Alan Bone Now granted, if I get a response and it's like OK, I'm out of town or I have limited access, I totally get that. 0:35:43.590 --> 0:35:55.650 Alan Bone But but sometimes I'm a little surprised that the delay in, especially when I'm saying, hey, can I get a quote on the DMM Cal adapter for this new 5560? 0:35:55.660 --> 0:35:59.580 Alan Bone I understand that might be available now, which it wasn't that when we first purchased it. 0:36:0.120 --> 0:36:6.450 Alan Bone Umm, it took a week and 1/2 to get that number of $1500, which I knew about what it was gonna cost. 0:36:6.460 --> 0:36:9.480 Alan Bone But occasionally I'm just a little surprised by that. 0:36:9.490 --> 0:36:14.830 Alan Bone I'm thinking OK, I would think a failed person is going to respond. 0:36:14.840 --> 0:36:15.290 Alan Bone Boom. 0:36:17.500 --> 0:36:19.670 Fletcher, Sam Yeah, yeah, absolutely. 0:36:15.300 --> 0:36:21.60 Alan Bone You know when available, so those sometimes I'm a little surprised. 0:36:20.140 --> 0:36:22.750 Fletcher, Sam But a week and 1/2 it like that does sound like a long time. 0:36:23.890 --> 0:36:24.30 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:36:24.740 --> 0:36:28.830 Fletcher, Sam And thank you for sharing that to you, because I I will, I will absolutely be passing on along. 0:36:29.500 --> 0:36:31.490 Alan Bone Yeah, but that's it. 0:36:31.500 --> 0:36:34.420 Alan Bone I mean, I I really, I really like working with fluke, you know? 0:36:34.430 --> 0:36:40.40 Alan Bone I mean, there are there are some obstacles with metcal procedures and they're aware of those and they're trying to improve them. 0:36:40.50 --> 0:36:50.200 Alan Bone And and what have you and and that's what I want is I the desire to constantly get better and fix problems is what life's about. 0:36:50.210 --> 0:37:12.880 Alan Bone And so I I do see that from Fluke and I appreciate that and that's why I continue and we will continue to buy Fluke products because I believe the support is there and and that's the most important part from a perspective from my perspective that that if I have a problem, I can get someone to give me some attention so. 0:37:14.690 --> 0:37:15.540 Fletcher, Sam Yeah. Absolutely. 0:37:15.550 --> 0:37:15.800 Fletcher, Sam Yeah. 0:37:15.810 --> 0:37:16.260 Fletcher, Sam Thank you. 0:37:16.270 --> 0:37:17.60 Fletcher, Sam Thank you for saying that. 0:37:18.870 --> 0:37:22.70 Fletcher, Sam Umm well, Alan, thank you so much for again. 0:37:22.80 --> 0:37:22.890 Fletcher, Sam Thank you for the time. 0:37:23.620 --> 0:37:23.760 Alan Bone Yeah. 0:37:22.900 --> 0:37:30.820 Fletcher, Sam And yeah, well, will you please feel free to reach out to me also if you have any questions, if I don't know the answer, I can find someone who can help. 0:37:31.640 --> 0:37:31.780 Alan Bone And. 0:37:31.750 --> 0:37:34.320 Fletcher, Sam So yeah, always available to you as well. 0:37:35.180 --> 0:37:37.40 Alan Bone Grant stored in the Nika. 0:37:38.30 --> 0:37:39.540 Skeba, Nika Uh, thank you so much, Alan. 0:37:39.570 --> 0:37:40.230 Fletcher, Sam You know, think about. 0:37:40.300 --> 0:37:40.800 Kraski, Jordan Thank you. 0:37:40.810 --> 0:37:41.560 Kraski, Jordan Have a good rest of your day. 0:37:41.890 --> 0:37:43.60 Alan Bone OK, you too. 0:37:42.720 --> 0:37:43.70 Fletcher, Sam Bye now. 0:37:43.410 --> 0:37:43.590 Alan Bone Bye bye.